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Early Voting: Saturday, May 25th through Friday, June 7th

Election Day: Tuesday, June 11


Nurse Geo Hughes for Senate District 3 –

funded by people, not corporations.

Letter X Illustration
Handmade Underline Doodle

I am Nurse Geo Hughes and I’m running for Senate District 3. I pledge to reject PAC donations from large corporations and their lobbyists.


We deserve leaders who will fight for our families, kids, seniors and neighborhoods – not for the bottom line of big companies. As your state senator, I’ll fight for you.

Meet Nurse Geo Hughes: Mom. Immigrant. Nurse Practitioner. Democrat.

My name is Geoconda Hughes, and I work as a cardiovascular and thoracic nurse practitioner and an intensive care nurse practitioner.

I'm a proud Nicaraguan immigrant. My parents came to Las Vegas because they heard there were good job opportunities. For a while, they worked multiple jobs while we lived in subsidized housing. But then my parents landed Union jobs — my dad as a kitchen worker and my mom as a guest room attendant. This allowed them to buy a house and set up a life. From a young age, I learned this was possible because workers like my mom are willing to fight to make these jobs good jobs. I've been a picket line regular my whole life, getting taught to never take anything for granted — and that we have to work to build the lives we want.

My children attended public schools and everything changed when one of them developed Type 1 Diabetes. That's when I became a nurse and discovered my passion for critical care. I got my Master's to become a Nurse Practitioner when the pandemic first hit. It was like being thrown into the fire. The pandemic showed many holes in the healthcare system. It was one of the most challenging times of my life, but it reinforced my commitment to giving everything to care for others.

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No Corporate Donations Accepted

Why I’m Running.

I understand what it's like to be a single parent balancing demanding work with being there for your kids. I know what it's like to have to worry about getting your kid the life-saving medication they need, like my son with Type 1 Diabetes. We need politicians who understand what it's like to clock in daily.

I've been driven to various causes, including fundraising for the American Diabetes Association, volunteering with Planned Parenthood, and educating high school students about the COVID-19 vaccine. In 2017, my voice and testimony on behalf of my son in the Capitol helped secure legislation that capped the price of insulin in Nevada.

I'm running for office because my district deserves better. Our current Senator is unwilling to confront the corporate greed responsible for high prices and low wages. We need people in elected office closer to our experiences as workers and community members trying to build a life for ourselves and our families.


Hospital Icon

Healthcare: Making life-saving medication affordable for all — like for my child with diabetes.

House Key Icon

Housing: Bringing down rent costs to make our community affordable again and protect homeowners.

Education Hat Icon

Education: Our kids need schools where their mental health is valued — with well-paid teachers.

Reproductive Health

Reproductive Healthcare: I strongly believe Nevada must continue to protect women's rights to reproductive healthcare.


Pro choice health care professional
Profesional de la salud a favor del derecho a decidir
I have been a proud pro choice activist with Planned Parenthood and I will continue to protect reproductive healthcare rights in Nevada
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Photos & Media



Press inquiries:


Paid for by Geo for Nevada

Approved by Geoconda Hughes

1254 Campbell Dr.

Las Vegas, NV, 89102
